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Are you just starting to explore using Spirit Play? Do you think you want to get more serious about implementing it in your church? Learn how to get started here.

Learn About Our
In-Person Training
Spend a full day with a Spirit Play trainer and others at an in-person training. Schedule one at your church or look for one hosted at a nearby church.

Take Our
Online Training
Our NEW online training option might be perfect for you. This self-paced instruction will teach you on your schedule how to be a Spirit Play teacher.

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We have a variety of materials to help you get started with Spirit Play, learn more about it, or expand your story options.
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article on 10 ways to start and maintain a successful Spirt Play program.

What is
Unitarian Universalist
Religious Education Method and Ministry
Spirit Play is based in story and ritual, play and creativity. It gives children the tools to make meaning of their lives and questions such as Who am I, Where did I come from, and What is my purpose within the container of Unitarian Universalism.
The Montessori Philosophy
We use the Montessori approach with key elements of a prepared classroom environment, child-directed activities, and trained teachers. These elements free the children to choose their own focus after an initial lesson or story within a safe and sacred structure shepherded by two adults.
Encourages independent thinking through wondering questions
Gives children real choices within the structure of the morning
Creates community of children in classroom of mixed ages
Develops an underlying sense of the spiritual and the mystery of life
Supports congregational polity through choice of lessons
Fulfills parts of the volunteers' spiritual processes
The Proven 3-Part Format for Education
Spirit Play is a Unitarian Universalist program of religious education that has evolved from a long line of Montessori-based religious education programming.

Active Story Telling

Wondering Time

Child-Directed Activities

Our Upcoming
Full day trainings are available to ensure success in this innovative method of religious education.

Help Children Find Meaning & Answers In Life
Spirit Play
Proven Educational Method Whose Values Support Unitarian Universalism